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Cyber Security and Risk


Developing a customized IT program starts with a detailed review and assessment of existing infrastructure and related controls.  Decoded can assist your organization in proactively addressing its cybersecurity infrastructure — reducing regulatory risk and systemic exposure through its audit and procedure assessment services.

Decoded IT Risk Assessment and Vulnerability Testing – The initial phase of developing a sound IT program is conducting an assessment of the existing IT landscape.Through this service solution Decoded applies:

  • Concentrated approach to assessing and improving existing IT program infrastructure, cybersecurity, and organization information practices
  • Targeted assessment and penetration testing of organizational networks, web servers and public data to identify and score vulnerability levels
  • Develop a detailed assessment report effectively communicating IT concerns and severity levels to compliance and senior management increasing IT maturity and transparency

We Consult

By reviewing your infrastructure’s architecture and controls, we identify where your business is most vulnerable to cyber threats and attacks.

We Manage 24/7, 365

We take on the daily operation of securing your environment. Our practice includes flexible on-premise or cloud deployment and management.

We Remidate

We have extensive practical experience managing complex security breaches. We respond promptly to reduce your recovery time, costs and damage.

Reducing risk through technology